S&P Global Inc. ESG Score featuring industry distribution, 5-year history, dimension scores across E, S and G factors and most relevant criteria in each sustainability dimension based on their weight in the CSA and their current or expected significance for the industry. As seen on spglobal.com/esg. See terms of use here: https://www.spglobal.com/en/terms-of-use.

S&P Global Inc. ESG Score featuring industry distribution, 5-year history, dimension scores across E, S and G factors and most relevant criteria in each sustainability dimension based on their weight in the CSA and their current or expected significance for the industry. As seen on spglobal.com/esg. See terms of use here: https://www.spglobal.com/en/terms-of-use.

S&P Global Inc. ESG Score featuring industry distribution, 5-year history, dimension scores across E, S and G factors and most relevant criteria in each sustainability dimension based on their weight in the CSA and their current or expected significance for the industry. As seen on spglobal.com/esg. See terms of use here: https://www.spglobal.com/en/terms-of-use.