Deeply integrating into global innovation network needs self-confidence in science and technology

BEIJING, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A report from Science and Technology Daily:

Two years ago, Wang Pu, CPPCC member and professor at Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, suggested that it is crucial to own core technologies, materials and crafts.

With the idea of «self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology» promoted, Wang reaffirmed the direction of his…

BEIJING, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A report from Science and Technology Daily:

Two years ago, Wang Pu, CPPCC member and professor at Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, suggested that it is crucial to own core technologies, materials and crafts.

With the idea of «self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology» promoted, Wang reaffirmed the direction of his efforts and became even more energetic.

«In order to deeply integrate into the global innovation network, we need to generate real self-confidence in science and technology based on self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology. Thus, China can greatly contribute «eastern wisdom» to the global challenges.

Many experts we interviewed in academia and industry echoed his thoughts.

«Changes unseen in a century»: Is international cooperation still okay?

The idea of «removing international industrial supply chains from China» has been spreading overseas. «American media have been talking about ‘China Threat Theory’.» Wang did not deny the challenges China is now faced with.

Guo Tiecheng, scientific and technological strategy expert and Vice President of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, gave his analysis.

«Although the challenges are tough and the suppression is frequent, the opportunity of cooperation in science and technology between China and other countries is being enlarged and there is much room for manoeuvre for China’s strategies.» Guo noted.

As China’s ability of innovation is improved, the country has an advantage in rich talent pool and an economy of a large quantity and a complete range, etc.

The cooperation with other countries can be full-scale or gradient depending on how the counterpart performs in the relative field.

Guo suggested, «As long as we keep stable strategies and firmly stick to innovation development and reform and opening up, the influence of the restrictions caused by ‘partly decoupling’ will be limited and no subversive effect will take place.»

«Self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology»: The basic logic is the prosperity of science

Wang kept emphasizing, «Do not undertake tough tasks unless you have necessary skills. In the long run, we can only claim that we have a spot in the modern science system if basic theories, original concepts and technologies are to be greatly developed in China

Guo also expressed his views on the essence of «self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology»: Only by taking the prosperity of science as the underlying logic can we achieve self-reliance.

He further explained: «Besides, we ought to encourage some market players to take the lead in upgrading to the medium-to-high-end level, provide innovative factors of production such as human resources and data for economic development, and stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific and technological experts to unleash the vitality of innovation. With this essence, self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology should become the strategic focus of our country in the coming period.»

Digital economy: a new innovation arena

Recently, China has been focusing on the «digital economy».

As to the role of data in empowering high-quality development, Xu Wei, who is the Associate Professor at Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences of Tsinghua University, highly praised China for taking the lead in putting forward «data as a factor of production».

It is not easy to manage data elements, especially in data circulation, where data providers, users and even regulators are faced with high risks. However, China has practiced exploring solutions to problems at the technical level. A solution based on the underlying theoretical innovation of Academician Yao Qizhi’s «multi-party computing (MPC)», which can achieve the idea that «data is available, invisible, controllable, quantifiable and supervised», is being transformed by the technology enterprise Hua Kong Tsingjiao, with Xu Wei as the chief scientist, to accelerate its application in practical scenarios such as the circulation and integration of data elements.

Practice always steps ahead: new forms and features have emerged in international cooperation

Guo offered his analysis, «As China gradually integrates into the global innovation network, China will be more inclined to conduct strategic cooperation on governance in the future.

Apart from traditional national and international projects and international cooperation on major scientific engineering devices, more non-governmental innovation cooperation modes, such as off-shore innovation, transnational technology platform, open-source ecosystem and scientific volunteer organizations without borders, display a flexible and efficient global innovation network.

«In terms of further opening up, it is possible for China to consider setting up an open ‘innovative procurement fund’ to carry out emerging procurement such as innovative customized procurement and pre-commercial procurement to the world.» Guo suggested.

Aiming to solve problems: Confident but not arrogant

Wang told Science and Technology Daily reporter, «Academic papers are only a basic tool of academic communication, and partly represent the achievements of scientific and technological innovation. The fundamental criteria for the achievements of scientific research should be whether they take the lead in the frontier of scientific development or solve actual scientific or technological problems.»

Xu also pointed out that many investors or users of new technologies always ask him about against which the «multi-party computation» can be benchmarked. He suggested, «China is no longer a «me-too» follower in terms of innovation. We should believe in and support China’s innovative edge in emerging industries, which our scientists have developed and maintained. «

Written by Fang Linlin & Zhang Jiaxin.

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Dialysis Patient Citizens Commends Reintroduction of the Jack Reynolds Memorial Medigap Expansion Act

WASHINGTON, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) released the following statement today thanking Congresswomen Cynthia Axne (D-IA-03) and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA-03) for introducing the Jack Reynolds Memorial Medigap Expansion Act in honor of founding DPC Board member and longest-serving president Jack Reynolds. The bill, which was originally…

WASHINGTON, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) released the following statement today thanking Congresswomen Cynthia Axne (D-IA-03) and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA-03) for introducing the Jack Reynolds Memorial Medigap Expansion Act in honor of founding DPC Board member and longest-serving president Jack Reynolds. The bill, which was originally introduced last year, would expand Medigap coverage for patients under 65 who suffer from End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). 

«Currently, it’s up to each state to determine whether Medigap plans are sold to the more than 9 million people younger than 65 years old who could qualify because of their kidney illnesses,» Rep. Axne said. «The issue that bothered Jack Reynolds – for whom this bill is named – and what bothers me is that these Medigap plans have an unnecessary age cap despite only being open to those with serious illnesses. Kidney issues can happen at any age. For Jack, he was only four years old when he was injured, and 22 when his kidneys began to fail. The bipartisan legislation I’m leading with Congresswoman Herrera Beutler would make this commonsense fix to enable patients of all ages to get the coverage and care they need.»

«Folks living with end stage renal disease should have access to life-saving medications, dialysis, and kidney transplants needed to treat their illness,» Rep. Herrera Beutler said. «Unfortunately, thousands of Americans under the age of 65 living with ESRD are barred from obtaining a Medigap plan that could help cover the cost of these treatments. I’m proud to partner with my colleague, Congresswoman Axne, on this important legislation to put Medigap plans within reach and thereby ensure patients – regardless of their age – can access the care they need.»

«We commend Representatives Axne and Herrera Beutler for introducing the Jack Reynolds Memorial Medigap Expansion Act and recognizing the continued need to assist the hundreds of thousands of Americans suffering with kidney disease,» said DPC Board President Andrew Conkling. «By expanding Medigap coverage to ESRD patients under the age of 65, this bill will ensure that dialysis patients can access high-quality, life-saving care that they need to stay alive, while also exponentially increasing their access to a kidney transplant. This legislation is a fitting tribute to the life and legacy of Jack Reynolds, who was a proud lifelong Iowan deeply devoted to helping those with kidney disease. A founding Board member and the longest-serving president of Dialysis Patient Citizens, Jack credited a large part of his longevity during his 45 years on dialysis to the financial security he felt due to having access to Medigap coverage. Jack dedicated his life to empowering kidney patients and educating the public on the needs of the kidney community, and we are thankful that this bill has once again been brought before Congress.»


  • Current law does not ensure that all Medicare beneficiaries, specifically those under the age of 65 such as many dialysis patients, have access to supplemental insurance, also known as «Medigap,» to cover their substantial out-of-pocket costs.
  • Medigap policies are standardized, private insurance policies that cover costs not covered by Medicare, such as copayments and deductibles.
  • Under federal law, Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older are guaranteed access to Medigap policies, but beneficiaries under age 65, including many with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), do not share this protection.
  • Only about half of all states allow Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 to purchase Medigap policies.
  • In 2013, 61% of Medicare beneficiaries with ESRD were under age 65, and only 11% had Medigap coverage.
  • Of the 91,421 dialysis patients on the kidney transplant list, only 53,745 are listed as active as of January 22, 2021. The inability to cover the 20% coinsurance for the transplant surgery is often a significant barrier for many patients, which Medigap coverage would help address.
  • In 2019, (prior to the ongoing pandemic) 5,207 patients were removed from the transplant list for reasons of death. Access to transplant could have saved many of these lives.  

To learn more about Jack Reynolds, please click here for his obituary. You may find a video celebrating Jack’s lifetime of service to the kidney community, prepared by DaVita, by clicking here, and a video honoring Jack as the recipient of the DPC Education Center’s award for Patient Education and Public Service by clicking here.

CONTACT: Hannah Bracamotne,

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The Surfrider Foundation and recreation industry leaders will virtually meet with U.S. officials to demand immediate action on the climate crisis

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On March 10, the Surfrider Foundation and leaders of the coastal recreation and tourism industry will virtually meet with congressional leaders and White House officials to demand immediate…

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On March 10, the Surfrider Foundation and leaders of the coastal recreation and tourism industry will virtually meet with congressional leaders and White House officials to demand immediate federal action to address climate change. Representing coastal communities across the nation, attendees will meet with more than 150 congressional officials during Coastal Recreation Hill Day to urge comprehensive climate change policies that protect the ocean and coastlines for the future.

«With nearly 40% of Americans living within the coastal zone, this administration and Congress must drastically increase efforts to protect our coastlines from climate change,» said Dr. Chad Nelsen, CEO of the Surfrider Foundation. «Many communities are already experiencing climate change impacts, including extreme weather events, sea level rise, coastal erosion and ocean acidification. Based on current science, those impacts will only continue to grow, costing Americans billions of dollars and harming our coastal economy.»

Clean water and healthy beaches are critical to the nation’s coastal economies, communities, and recreation industries. In fact, coastal recreation and tourism constitute about 2.4 million jobs and contribute more than $129 billion to the U.S. economy every year. Coastlines also play an essential role in protecting communities from extreme weather events and sea level rise resulting from climate change. In addition, natural marine and coastal environments are some of the most effective carbon sinks on the planet, pulling excess carbon out of the atmosphere.

However, the ocean and coasts are increasingly at risk. Warming water and melting glaciers are causing sea levels to rise at an accelerated rate, altering ocean circulation, starving the nation’s waterways of oxygen and changing the ocean’s chemistry. The ocean has already absorbed over 90% of the heat trapped in our atmosphere and nearly 30% of the excess carbon dioxide previously emitted. Scientists estimate that by 2050, 90% of coral reefs will die off from ocean warming and acidification due to climate change. Increased water temperatures are expected to produce more harmful algae blooms, resulting in closed beaches, impacts to marine life, and severe illnesses to surfers and swimmers.

«Climate change represents perhaps the greatest single threat to the survival of our industry and a way of life enjoyed by millions of people,» said Sean Smith, executive director of the Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA). «SIMA and the surf industry join the Surfrider Foundation in demanding that federal leaders take action on the climate crisis.»

The coastal recreation industry will demand federal action to help communities prepare for climate change impacts through shoreline planning and coastal adaptation. They will also urge Congress to enact laws to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ban new oil and gas drilling in U.S. waters, and promote renewable energy development.

Specifically, the Surfrider Foundation recommends: 

  • Reinstituting the congressional and executive moratoriums on offshore drilling. 
  • Passing Ocean Climate Solutions legislation that will leverage the ocean’s potential in the fight against climate change by protecting coastal and marine habitats and safeguarding communities from sea level rise.  
  • Encouraging Congress to authorize $3 billion to support shovel-ready coastal restoration projects with priority given to projects that help to stimulate the economy, and assist communities of color, as well as low-income, tribal, and rural communities.
  • Urging Congress to authorize $100 billion over the next 10 years to upgrade the nation’s failing wastewater infrastructure to stop sewage spills at the source and enhance resilience to flooding and climate change impacts.

In addition to climate change, the Surfrider Foundation will elevate the voices of the coastal recreation community to demand action on clean water, public health and plastic pollution reduction in 2021 and beyond.

For more information or to get involved, visit

About the Surfrider Foundation

The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over one million supporters, activists and members, with more than 170 volunteer-led chapters and student clubs in the U.S., and more than 700 victories protecting our coasts. Learn more at


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Resolute Sets Target to Reduce GHG Emissions by 30%

US $

MONTRÉAL, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Resolute Forest Products Inc. (NYSE: RFP) (TSX: RFP) today announced its commitment to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 30% against 2015 levels by 2025. This new target builds on the company’s 83% reduction in absolute GHG emissions from year-2000 levels, two-thirds of which reflect reductions in emission intensity. By achieving its target, the company will have reduced its emissions by nearly 700,000 metric tons of CO2

US $

MONTRÉAL, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Resolute Forest Products Inc. (NYSE: RFP) (TSX: RFP) today announced its commitment to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 30% against 2015 levels by 2025. This new target builds on the company’s 83% reduction in absolute GHG emissions from year-2000 levels, two-thirds of which reflect reductions in emission intensity. By achieving its target, the company will have reduced its emissions by nearly 700,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalents per year compared to its 2015 level.

«Resolute was an early adopter of climate action as a cornerstone of our sustainability strategy,» said Remi G. Lalonde, president and chief executive officer. «Setting this new target is among my first actions as CEO, demonstrating our continued focus around this important issue. Our commitment to renewable energy is good for the environment and it’s good for the bottom line. Three-quarters of our total energy needs come from renewable sources such as hydroelectricity and carbon-neutral biomass, and more than 80% of our fuel energy comes from biomass. We’ve been scope 1 coal-free since 2014.»

Some of the more recent projects on which the company is relying to achieve its commitment include:

  • an efficiency enhancement at the Saint-Félicien (Quebec) pulp mill to improve production capacity and reduce fossil-fuel use by up to 20%;
  • a modernization of the cogeneration turbine at the Coosa Pines (Alabama) pulp mill to reduce purchased electricity use by 6%; and
  • the installation of a sophisticated heat recovery unit at the Thunder Bay (Ontario) pulp and paper mill to recover waste heat and, as a result, decrease the use of fossil fuels by over 20%.

The company also announced commitments to:

  • include the previously excluded wood products facilities’ GHG emissions in its GHG inventory by 2022;
  • continue to report climate change data and management practices to CDP’s climate change program, including scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions; and
  • further integrate sustainability practices in its supply chain by working with suppliers and related stakeholders to develop scope 3 GHG emission reduction commitments.

Resolute’s sustainability strategy is based on a balanced approach to environmental, social and economic performance, designed to enhance the company’s competitive position. As an industry leader, the company is committed to maintaining effective sustainability oversight, governance and management practices, and has moved beyond already rigorous regulatory compliance and environmental incident management to commit to transparency and annual sustainability reporting.

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Statements in this press release that are not reported financial results or other historical information of Resolute Forest Products Inc. («Resolute» or «we«) are «forward-looking statements» within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. They include, for example, statements relating to our expectations to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and other targets and commitments relating to climate change, as well as strategies for achieving our goals generally. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as the words «should,» «would,» «could,» «will,» «may,» «expect,» «believe,» «see,» «anticipate,» «continue,» «attempt,» «focus on,» «improve,» «challenge,» «position,» «maintain,» «strive,» «trend,» «strategy,» «seek,» «vision,» «commit,» «develop,» «project,» «progress,» «build,» «pursue,» «plan,» «grow,» «reduce,» «move» and other terms with similar meaning indicating possible future events or potential impact on Resolute’s business or its shareholders.

The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions, beliefs, and expectations, all of which involve a number of business risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance to differ materially. The potential risks and uncertainties that could cause Resolute’s actual future financial condition, results of operations, performance and targets to differ materially from those expressed or implied in this press release include, but are not limited to, the potential risks and uncertainties set forth under Part I, Item 1A, «Risk Factors,» of Resolute’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (or, the «SEC«) on March 1, 2021 which have been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, including related governmental responses and economic impacts, market disruptions and resulting changes in consumer habits.

All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified by the cautionary statements contained or referred above and in Resolute’s other filings with the SEC and the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Resolute disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

About Resolute Forest Products

Resolute Forest Products is a global leader in the forest products industry with a diverse range of products, including market pulp, tissue, wood products and papers, which are marketed in over 50 countries. The company owns or operates some 40 facilities, as well as power generation assets, in the United States and Canada. Resolute has third-party certified 100% of its managed woodlands to internationally recognized sustainable forest management standards. The shares of Resolute Forest Products trade under the stock symbol RFP on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Resolute has received regional, North American and global recognition for its leadership in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, as well as for its business practices. Visit for more information.

To learn more about Resolute’s climate initiatives, visit

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CP to employ Ballard fuel cells in Hydrogen Locomotive Project

VANCOUVER. BC and CALGARY, AB, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) and Canadian Pacific (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) announced today that CP will employ Ballard fuel cell modules in CP’s pioneering Hydrogen Locomotive Program. The modules will provide a total of 1.2 megawatts of electricity to power the locomotive.

«With this purchase from Ballard, a leader in the hydrogen fuel cell industry, CP further demonstrates its…

VANCOUVER. BC and CALGARY, AB, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) and Canadian Pacific (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) announced today that CP will employ Ballard fuel cell modules in CP’s pioneering Hydrogen Locomotive Program. The modules will provide a total of 1.2 megawatts of electricity to power the locomotive.

«With this purchase from Ballard, a leader in the hydrogen fuel cell industry, CP further demonstrates its commitment to developing the next generation of locomotive – one that produces zero emissions,» said CP President and CEO Keith Creel. «How we power our trains matters to our customers, employees, shareholders and to the communities we operate in. This technology holds the possibility of eliminating emissions from freight train operations, which already represent the most efficient method of moving goods over land.»

Through its Hydrogen Locomotive Program, CP will develop North America’s first hydrogen-powered line-haul freight locomotive by retrofitting a formerly diesel-powered locomotive with Ballard hydrogen fuel cells. The fuel cells will work with battery technology to power the locomotive’s electric traction motors. Once operational, CP will conduct rail service trials and qualification testing to evaluate the technology’s readiness for the freight-rail sector.

Ballard plans to deliver six of its 200-kilowatt fuel cell modules to CP in 2021. Ballard will provide support to enable integration of the modules into the locomotive.

Randy MacEwen, Ballard President and CEO, noted, «We are excited to be working with CP, an industry leader in the North American rail sector. CP’s Hydrogen Locomotive Program will develop North America’s first hydrogen and fuel cell-powered line-haul freight locomotive. In addition to Ballard’s work focused on powering commuter trains in Europe and urban trams in China, CP’s Hydrogen Locomotive Program in North America underscores the strong fit for zero-emission fuel cells to power heavy- and medium-duty motive applications, including trains, for which it is otherwise difficult to abate emissions.»

Note on forward-looking information
This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, «forward-looking information») within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information includes but is not limited to, statements concerning expectations, beliefs, plans, goals, objectives, assumptions and statements about possible future events, conditions, and results of operations or performance. Forward-looking information may contain statements with words or headings such as «will», «anticipate», «believe», «expect», «plan», «should», «commit» or similar words suggesting future outcomes.

Ballard’s forward-looking information reflects Ballard’s current expectations as contemplated under section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any such forward-looking information is based on Ballard’s assumptions relating to its financial forecasts and expectations regarding its product development efforts, manufacturing capacity, and market demand.

CP’s forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions, having regard to the experiences of CP and its perceptions of historical and emerging trends, and includes, but is not limited to, expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions relating to: the fuel efficiency of railways; the ability of CP to implement certain initiatives; CP’s ability to develop North America’s first hydrogen-powered line-haul freight locomotive; the possibility of eliminating emissions from freight train operations; future investments in and the availability of carbon emissions-reduction tools and technologies; the impacts of existing and planned capital investments; North American and global economic growth; the performance of CP’s assets and equipment; applicable laws, regulations and government policies; the availability and cost of labour on the timelines anticipated and with the capabilities required, as well as the availability and cost of services and infrastructure; the satisfaction by third parties of their obligations; the anticipated impacts of the novel strain of coronavirus (and the disease known as COVID-19); and capital investments by third parties.

Although Ballard and CP believe the expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking information presented in this news release are reasonable as of the date hereof, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Current conditions, economic and otherwise, render assumptions, although reasonable when made, subject to greater uncertainty.

Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information as actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking information. By its nature, Ballard’s and CP’s forward-looking information involves inherent risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to be materially different from the forward-looking information, including but not limited to the following factors: general economic and regulatory changes; detrimental reliance on third parties; the ability of Ballard and CP to successfully achieve their business plans and achieve and sustain profitability; changes in business strategies; the effects of competition and pricing pressures; industry capacity; shifts in market demand; changes in commodity prices; inflation; changes in laws, regulations and government policies; changes in taxes and tax rates; changes in fuel prices; uncertainties of investigations, proceedings or other types of claims and litigation; labour disputes; currency and interest rate fluctuations; trade restrictions or other changes to international trade arrangements; climate change; various events that could disrupt operations, including severe weather, such as droughts, floods, avalanches and earthquakes, and cybersecurity attacks, as well as security threats and governmental response to them, and technological changes; and the pandemic created by the outbreak of the novel strain of coronavirus (and the disease known as COVID-19) and resulting effects on economic conditions, the demand environment for logistics requirements and energy prices, restrictions imposed by public health authorities or governments, fiscal and monetary policy responses by governments and financial institutions, and disruptions to global supply chains. For a detailed discussion of other risk factors that could affect Ballard’s future performance, please refer to Ballard’s most recent Annual Information Form. For a detailed discussions of other risk factors that could affect CP’s future performance, please refer to «Risk Factors» and «Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Forward-Looking Statements» in CP’s annual and interim reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q.

The forward-looking information contained in this news release is made as of the date hereof and Ballard and CP assume no obligation to update or release any revisions to this forward-looking information, other than as required under applicable laws.

About Ballard Power Systems
Ballard Power Systems’ (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP) vision is to deliver fuel cell power for a sustainable planet. Ballard zero-emission PEM fuel cells are enabling electrification of mobility, including buses, commercial trucks, trains, marine vessels, passenger cars and forklift trucks. To learn more about Ballard, please visit

About Canadian Pacific
Canadian Pacific is a transcontinental railway in Canada and the United States with direct links to major ports on the west and east coasts. CP provides North American customers a competitive rail service with access to key markets in every corner of the globe. CP is growing with its customers, offering a suite of freight transportation services, logistics solutions and supply chain expertise. Visit to see the rail advantages of CP. CP-IR

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Green Business Certification Inc. Announces 2021 Board of Directors

WASHINGTON, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), the global certification body for the LEED green building program, announced its…

WASHINGTON, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), the global certification body for the LEED green building program, announced its 2021 Board of Directors. GBCI is responsible for driving implementation of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program through certification and credentialing. For more than a decade, with a trusted commitment to impartiality and quality, rigorous third-party certification and customer centric focus, GBCI has proved instrumental in ensuring LEED remains the world’s most widely used green building program.

«GBCI is responsible for implementing the LEED rating system by certifying the projects that transform the market and credentialing the professionals that bring these projects to fruition. With each professional accreditation and certified project that GBCI delivers, the global green building community is one step closer to realizing a shared vision where healthy people in healthy places equals a healthy economy,» said Mahesh Ramanujam, President and CEO, GBCI. «To achieve this, GBCI is guided by a strategic plan, developed in partnership with the Board. The unique experience and leadership that our 2021 GBCI Board of Directors brings to the organization will be invaluable in ensuring that this plan continues to reflect the vision and values by which GBCI was created as we seek to full our unique mission.» 

Don Anderson, Blackstone’s Chief Sustainability Officer, was elected Chair of the Board. He has served on the Board since 2014, most recently as the Vice Chair. Don is responsible for evolving sustainability initiatives that deliver cost effective quantitative and qualitative results across Blackstone’s portfolio companies and investments. The Blackstone sustainability program has led to significant energy savings across the portfolio and laid the foundation for the firm’s newly announced 15% carbon emissions reduction target for all new investments where the firm controls energy usage. Before joining Blackstone, he served as Vice President of Global Strategy and Business Development at ICF International, where he sold and managed energy efficiency and sustainability projects in the BRIC countries and Europe. Prior to that, he provided strategic consulting to corporations, ENERGY STAR, USAID and USGBC, associated with operational excellence and sustainability in large portfolios.

«It has been a privilege to serve on the GBCI Board of Directors these past seven years,» said Don Anderson. «I am excited to partner with Mahesh and the other members of the Board to help accelerate the more universal adoption of LEED.»

Jacquelynn Henke (LEED Fellow, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP), Head of Innovation for Enterprise Real Estate at TD Bank, was elected Vice Chair. Jackie is focused on connecting the benefits of lifecycle thinking and innovation to deliver quantifiable value. Jackie leads the innovation strategy for TDB’s Enterprise Real Estate group and helped establish the Bank’s IDEAS program, which is responsible for delivering continuous improvement and innovation in design, construction and operations of retail and corporate facilities. Her work covers score areas including colleague and customer experience, energy and sustainability, human health and wellness and facilities management. Jackie is also responsible for leading the workplace utilization strategy for the Bank which is focused on the intersection of technology and observational data sources to deliver an enhanced colleague experience and ensure portfolio efficiency.

Beau Armstrong, President and CEO at Stratus Properties, Inc., was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Stratus Properties Inc. is a diversified real estate company engaged in the acquisition, entitlement, development, management, operation and sale of commercial, hotel, entertainment and multi and single-family residential real estate properties primarily in the Austin, Texas area. Beau has been actively involved in the Austin real estate market for over 25 years and has developed long-standing relationships with tenants, lenders, regulators, community stakeholder groups, the City of Austin and the State of Texas. He is also Director of Moody National REIT II.

Sara Neff (MBA, LEED Fellow, LEED AP BD+C, ID+C, EB:O+M, ND) was also elected to the Board as a new member and will serve a three-year term. Sara is Senior Vice President at Sustainability at Kilroy Realty Corporation. In her first four years, Sara took Kilroy from having no sustainability program to being named the number one real estate company across all asset classes on sustainability in North America by GRESB, and in 2015 they won that honor for the second year in a row. At Kilroy, she oversees all sustainability initiatives such as the implementation of energy and water efficiency projects throughout the portfolio, the recycling and green cleaning program, all LEED certifications, electric vehicle charging station installations and the greening of building and construction standards. Prior to Kilroy, Sara worked at Google and in solar at Idealab, participated in irrigation and soil erosion work in India, and led green consulting projects in Brazil and Argentina.

Don, Jackie, Beau and Sara join GBCI’s President and CEO, Mahesh Ramanujam, and three additional directors including George Bandy Jr., Head of Circular Economy at Amazon, and Liberty Munson, Principal Psychometrician for Microsoft’s technical certification program.

About Green Business Certification Inc.
GBCI is the premier organization independently recognizing excellence in green business industry performance and practice globally. Established in 2008, GBCI exclusively administers project certifications and professional credentials and certificates within the framework of the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating systems, as well as the PEER standard for power systems, the WELL Building Standard, the Sustainable SITES Initiative (SITES), EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies), TRUE certification for zero waste, Investor Confidence Project (ICP) for energy efficiency retrofits and RELi for resilient design.

Media Contact: Sarah Merricks

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Ballard Fuel Cells to Power CP Hydrogen Locomotive Program

VANCOUVER, BC and CALGARY, AB, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) and Canadian Pacific (TSX: CP; NYSE: CP), announced today that CP will employ Ballard fuel cell modules for CP’s pioneering Hydrogen Locomotive Program. The modules will provide a total of 1.2 megawatts of electricity to power the locomotive.

VANCOUVER, BC and CALGARY, AB, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) and Canadian Pacific (TSX: CP; NYSE: CP), announced today that CP will employ Ballard fuel cell modules for CP’s pioneering Hydrogen Locomotive Program. The modules will provide a total of 1.2 megawatts of electricity to power the locomotive.

«With this purchase from Ballard, a leader in the hydrogen fuel cell industry, CP further demonstrates its commitment to developing the next generation of locomotive – one that produces zero emissions,» said CP President and CEO Keith Creel. «How we power our trains matters to our customers, employees, shareholders and to the communities we operate in. This technology holds the possibility of eliminating emissions from freight train operations, which already represent the most efficient method of moving goods over land.»

Through its Hydrogen Locomotive Program, CP will develop North America’s first hydrogen-powered line-haul freight locomotive by retrofitting a formerly diesel-powered locomotive with Ballard hydrogen fuel cells. The fuel cells will work with battery technology to power the locomotive’s electric traction motors. Once operational, CP will conduct rail service trials and qualification testing to evaluate the technology’s readiness for the freight-rail sector.

Ballard plans to deliver six of its 200-kilowatt fuel cell modules to CP in 2021. Ballard will provide support to enable integration of the modules into the locomotive.

Randy MacEwen, Ballard President and CEO, noted, «We are excited to be working with CP, an industry leader in the North American rail sector. CP’s Hydrogen Locomotive Program will develop North America’s first hydrogen and fuel cell-powered line-haul freight locomotive. In addition to Ballard’s work focused on powering commuter trains in Europe and urban trams in China, CP’s Hydrogen Locomotive Program in North America underscores the strong fit for zero-emission fuel cells to power heavy- and medium-duty motive applications, including trains, for which it is otherwise difficult to abate emissions.»

Note on forward-looking information
This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, «forward-looking information») within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information includes but is not limited to, statements concerning expectations, beliefs, plans, goals, objectives, assumptions and statements about possible future events, conditions, and results of operations or performance. Forward-looking information may contain statements with words or headings such as «will», «anticipate», «believe», «expect», «plan», «should», «commit» or similar words suggesting future outcomes.

Ballard’s forward-looking information reflects Ballard’s current expectations as contemplated under section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any such forward-looking information is based on Ballard’s assumptions relating to its financial forecasts and expectations regarding its product development efforts, manufacturing capacity, and market demand.

CP’s forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions, having regard to the experiences of CP and its perceptions of historical and emerging trends, and includes, but is not limited to, expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions relating to: the fuel efficiency of railways; the ability of CP to implement certain initiatives; CP’s ability to develop North America’s first hydrogen-powered line-haul freight locomotive; the possibility of eliminating emissions from freight train operations; future investments in and the availability of carbon emissions-reduction tools and technologies; the impacts of existing and planned capital investments; North American and global economic growth; the performance of CP’s assets and equipment; applicable laws, regulations and government policies; the availability and cost of labour on the timelines anticipated and with the capabilities required, as well as the availability and cost of services and infrastructure; the satisfaction by third parties of their obligations; the anticipated impacts of the novel strain of coronavirus (and the disease known as COVID-19); and capital investments by third parties.

Although Ballard and CP believe the expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking information presented in this news release are reasonable as of the date hereof, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Current conditions, economic and otherwise, render assumptions, although reasonable when made, subject to greater uncertainty.

Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information as actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking information. By its nature, Ballard’s and CP’s forward-looking information involves inherent risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to be materially different from the forward-looking information, including but not limited to the following factors: general economic and regulatory changes; detrimental reliance on third parties; the ability of Ballard and CP to successfully achieve their business plans and achieve and sustain profitability; changes in business strategies; the effects of competition and pricing pressures; industry capacity; shifts in market demand; changes in commodity prices; inflation; changes in laws, regulations and government policies; changes in taxes and tax rates; changes in fuel prices; uncertainties of investigations, proceedings or other types of claims and litigation; labour disputes; currency and interest rate fluctuations; trade restrictions or other changes to international trade arrangements; climate change; various events that could disrupt operations, including severe weather, such as droughts, floods, avalanches and earthquakes, and cybersecurity attacks, as well as security threats and governmental response to them, and technological changes; and the pandemic created by the outbreak of the novel strain of coronavirus (and the disease known as COVID-19) and resulting effects on economic conditions, the demand environment for logistics requirements and energy prices, restrictions imposed by public health authorities or governments, fiscal and monetary policy responses by governments and financial institutions, and disruptions to global supply chains. For a detailed discussion of other risk factors that could affect Ballard’s future performance, please refer to Ballard’s most recent Annual Information Form. For a detailed discussions of other risk factors that could affect CP’s future performance, please refer to «Risk Factors» and «Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Forward-Looking Statements» in CP’s annual and interim reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q.

The forward-looking information contained in this news release is made as of the date hereof and Ballard and CP assume no obligation to update or release any revisions to this forward-looking information, other than as required under applicable laws.

About Ballard Power Systems
Ballard Power Systems’ (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP) vision is to deliver fuel cell power for a sustainable planet. Ballard zero-emission PEM fuel cells are enabling electrification of mobility, including buses, commercial trucks, trains, marine vessels, passenger cars and forklift trucks. To learn more about Ballard, please visit

About Canadian Pacific
Canadian Pacific is a transcontinental railway in Canada and the United States with direct links to major ports on the west and east coasts. CP provides North American customers a competitive rail service with access to key markets in every corner of the globe. CP is growing with its customers, offering a suite of freight transportation services, logistics solutions and supply chain expertise. Visit to see the rail advantages of CP. CP-IR

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ReneSola Power to Participate in Upcoming Investor Conferences

STAMFORD, CT, March. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ReneSola Ltd («ReneSola Power» or the «Company») ( (NYSE: SOL), a leading fully integrated solar project developer, announced today its participation in the following virtual investor conferences:

<a href=""…

STAMFORD, CT, March. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ReneSola Ltd («ReneSola Power» or the «Company») ( (NYSE: SOL), a leading fully integrated solar project developer, announced today its participation in the following virtual investor conferences:

  • The 33rd Annual Roth Conference on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 (fireside chat scheduled for 12:00 PM EDT)
  • Maxim Group Inaugural Emerging Growth Virtual Conference on Thursday, March 18, 2021 (fireside chat scheduled for 12:00 PM EDT)

You may access webcasts of the Roth Capital and Maxim Group presentations at the Investors section of ReneSola Power’s website at

Management will be available for one-on-one meetings with institutional investors at each of these events. Portfolio managers and analysts who wish to request a meeting should contact their institutional sales representative at each sponsoring bank.

Copies of any presentation materials will be made available on the Investors section of ReneSola Power’s website at

About ReneSola Power

ReneSola Power (NYSE: SOL) is a leading global solar project developer and operator. The Company focuses on solar power project development, construction management and project financing services. With local professional teams in more than 10 countries around the world, the business is spread across a number of regions where the solar power project markets are growing rapidly, and can sustain that growth due to improved clarity around government policies. The Company’s strategy is to pursue high-margin project development opportunities in these profitable and growing markets; specifically, in the U.S. and Europe, where the Company has a market-leading position in several geographies, including Poland, Hungary, Minnesota and New York.


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SOURCE ReneSola Ltd.

Complete Solar Announces New CFO in Advance of Capital Fundraise

SAN RAMON, Calif., March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Complete Solar is pleased to announce the appointment of Albert Luu as Chief Financial Officer. Albert will oversee the finance organization, including accounting, treasury, FP&A, and investor relations of Complete Solar as it continues to expand its operations and pursues new capital sources to fuel its stunning growth.

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SAN RAMON, Calif., March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Complete Solar is pleased to announce the appointment of Albert Luu as Chief Financial Officer. Albert will oversee the finance organization, including accounting, treasury, FP&A, and investor relations of Complete Solar as it continues to expand its operations and pursues new capital sources to fuel its stunning growth.

Complete Solar is pleased to announce the appointment of Albert Luu as Chief Financial Officer.

Albert Luu is an experienced finance executive with more than 10 years in the solar industry. During his career, he has raised more than $10 billion in capital. Most recently, Albert was Chief Financial Officer for Swell Energy. He also had a long tenure at SolarCity and Tesla where he was instrumental in executing their capital strategy.

Will Anderson, CEO of Complete Solar commented on what this hiring decision means for Complete Solar. «Albert is unquestionably one of the top talents in the solar industry. This was the right time for Complete Solar to bring on a leader of Albert’s caliber as we explore growth opportunities with private investors as well as consider opportunities in the public markets. Albert’s excitement to join the team is further validation of our position as an emerging leader in the solar industry.»

Albert Luu added: «I am excited to join Complete Solar and help the company continue to grow and further its mission of standardizing and simplifying the process for partners to go solar. Will and team have built a unique platform enabled by technology to differentiate itself from other residential solar companies. I look forward to working with the many financing partners and investors I have worked with over the years as Complete Solar pursues new capital sources to further its growth. Investing in Complete Solar is an investment in the acceleration to clean energy and an investment in our future.»

About Complete Solar: Complete Solar is a leading residential solar company with platform technology for managing every aspect of the customer experience—from origination, fulfillment, construction, finance, and customer care, to ongoing system monitoring and maintenance. Through this platform and technology, Complete Solar partners with best-in-class companies that specialize in each link of the solar value chain such as sales, construction, and finance. The platform is designed to enable specialization and improve the value chain by reducing costs and enhancing the customer experience. The company serves 14 states and is headquartered in San Ramon, California.

CONTACT: Sarah Neeley, 909-569-5244,

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SOURCE Complete Solar

RevoltTOKEN Updates Website With Video On ALYI EV Ecosystem Transformation Plans

DALLAS, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Alternet Systems, Inc. (USOTC: ALYI) today announced its finance partner, RevoltTOKEN, has updated its website with a new video detailing plans to transform ALYI’s Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Platform.

Last week, ALYI’s finance partner RevoltTOKEN initiated the sale of Revolt Tokens (RVLT) through the Revolt Token web site (<a target="_blank"…

DALLAS, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Alternet Systems, Inc. (USOTC: ALYI) today announced its finance partner, RevoltTOKEN, has updated its website with a new video detailing plans to transform ALYI’s Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Platform.

Last week, ALYI’s finance partner RevoltTOKEN initiated the sale of Revolt Tokens (RVLT) through the Revolt Token web site (

The funds raised through the sale of Revolt Tokens will be dedicated to the funding of the overall Alternet Systems Electric Vehicle ecosystem.

The purchase price is U.S. $1.00 per RVLT, which will be delivered to an ERC20 Compatible Wallet of your choice (e.g. Trust Wallet)

Currently Revolt Tokens (RVLT) can be purchased in exchange for other tokens or cryptocurrency, or in exchange for funds delivered into an escrow account via wire transfer. 

The purchase process requires 3 simple steps. The first one is to create a User ID and password – follow the link below to get started:

Next, a link to register and collect Know-Your-Customer will be sent.

Once verified, an email confirmation will be sent, and you can then proceed to complete your purchase of the Revolt Token. You can buy multiple times with the same ID.

Registration and purchase requests will be processed on a first come, first serve basis.

Any questions or issues during any step of the process can be addressed by emailing customer support at

Soon, Revolt Token will also be available to trade via a cryptocurrency exchange listing. 

Anyone interested in Revolt Token (RVLT) should review the information available on the Revolt Token (RVLT) website and continue to monitor the Revolt Token (RVLT) website for updates regarding the availability of new Revolt Token (RVLT) purchasing functionality, and the listing of Revolt Token (RVLT) on the cryptocurrency exchanges. 

The Revolt Token ( website will also include the evolving information regarding the exchangeability of Revolt Token (RVLT) for other Alternet System Electric Vehicle Ecosystem components intended to include Alternet’s Revolt Electric Motorcycles, and/or entry into participation in Alternet’s annual Electric Vehicle Race (EV Grand Prix) and Electric Vehicle Technology Symposium.

Visit Revolt Token (RVLT)’s website at

Please do not hesitate to email any questions to

For more information and to stay up to date on ALYI’s overall latest developments, please visit

Disclaimer/Safe Harbor: This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act. The statements reflect the Company’s current views with respect to future events that involve risks and uncertainties. Among others, these risks include the expectation that any of the companies mentioned herein will achieve significant sales, the failure to meet schedule or performance requirements of the companies’ contracts, the companies’ liquidity position, the companies’ ability to obtain new contracts, the emergence of competitors with greater financial resources and the impact of competitive pricing. In the light of these uncertainties, the forward-looking events referred to in this release might not occur.

Alternet Systems, Inc. Contact:
Randell Torno


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