GREENBELT, Md., Aug. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Montgomery County Health Officer today rescinded his order prohibiting religious and private schools from conducting in-person classes. The order was the only one of its kind in the country. Plaintiffs were represented in this case by Timothy F. Maloney and Alyse Prawde of Joseph, Greenwald and Laake, P.A.
The Health officer’s order was the subject of an emergency injunction hearing in Federal Court scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2020. Counsel will be reviewing the Health Officer’s new order before decisions are made about the status of the hearing and the Federal lawsuit.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan had issued a revised emergency order on Monday concerning clarifying local authority concerning religious and private schools. In issuing the order, Governor Hogan stated that religious and private schools should be free to make their own to make their own reopening decisions, consistent with CDC and State Health guidelines. Maryland Secretary of Health Robert Neall directed all county health officers to follow the governor’s order as established State health policy.
«Wisdom is always welcome, no matter how late it arrives,» said Timothy F. Maloney, counsel for the plaintiffs who challenged the Health Officer’s order. «This is a victory for the more than 22,000 students in Montgomery County and their families who are committed to their religious and private education. Their schools are now prepared to make safe reopening decisions based upon CDC and State guidelines.»
Timothy F. Maloney
Attorney at Law
Office in Greenbelt, MD
Direct Dial: (240) 553-1107
Direct Fax: (240) 553-1737
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SOURCE Joseph Greenwald and Laake