Un nuevo consenso de expertos brinda una guía práctica para el uso de ácidos grasos omega-3 en la nutrición parenteral

BAD HOMBURG, Alemania, 17 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Fresenius Kabi, líder mundial en nutrición clínica, anunció que la publicación Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (especializada de nutrición parenteral y enteral, JPEN por sus siglas en inglés) publicó recientemente un artículo titulado Lipids in Parenteral Nutrition: Translating Guidelines into Clinical Practice1 (Los lípidos en la nutrición parenteral: aplicación de los lineamientos para la práctica clínica). El artículo representa el consenso más…

BAD HOMBURG, Alemania, 17 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Fresenius Kabi, líder mundial en nutrición clínica, anunció que la publicación Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (especializada de nutrición parenteral y enteral, JPEN por sus siglas en inglés) publicó recientemente un artículo titulado Lipids in Parenteral Nutrition: Translating Guidelines into Clinical Practice1 (Los lípidos en la nutrición parenteral: aplicación de los lineamientos para la práctica clínica). El artículo representa el consenso más importante de un amplio grupo de expertos con respecto al uso de emulsiones lipídicas con aceite de pescado en la práctica clínica.  

Un panel de expertos internacionales en nutrición clínica, metabolismo de los lípidos y farmacología desarrollaron un consenso conformado por 43 recomendaciones. Estas buscan ayudar a los profesionales de la salud a tratar cuestiones relacionadas con recetas, administración de tratamientos, seguridad, y monitoreo de lípidos – ya sea respecto a la nutrición parenteral a corto o largo plazo, para pacientes pediátricos o adultos, para cuidado en casa u hospitalario.  

Se ha demostrado que la nutrición parenteral con aceite de pescado brinda una variedad de efectos benéficos a funciones biológicas clave, como la modulación de la respuesta inmunológica e inflamatoria. Un conjunto cada vez mayor de pruebas sugiere que estas propiedades mejoran resultados clínicos como las tasas de infección y de sepsis, y el tiempo en terapia intensiva y en hospitalización.

Los lineamientos actuales que siguen las sociedades clínicas internacionales recomiendan el uso de emulsiones lipídicas con aceite de pescado en la nutrición parenteral.3-5 Con relación a ciertos nutrientes, los lineamientos de nutrición clínica en terapia intensiva estipulados por la Sociedad Europea de Nutrición Clínica y Metabolismo (ESPEN por sus siglas en inglés)4 solamente recomiendan las emulsiones lipídicas parenterales con EPA + DHA*

Para leer el resumen del consenso y la revisión de pruebas actuales de los beneficios de los ácidos grasos omega-3 en la nutrición parenteral en los procesos de atención médica por favor visite https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/19412444/2020/44/S1

Regístrese ahora para tener acceso gratuito a las dos partes de la serie educativa especializada de la Sociedad Americana de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (ASPEN por sus siglas en inglés) específicamente en este tema: Expert Consensus on Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Parenteral Nutrition: Focus onCritical Care and Major Surgery (Consenso de expertos respecto a los ácidos grasos omega-3 en la nutrición parenteral: un enfoque en cuidados críticos y cirugía mayor), del 22 de abril de 2020, y Expert Consensus on Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Parenteral Nutrition: Continuum of Care – From Hospital to Home Care (Consenso de expertos en los ácidos grasos omega-3 en la nutrición parenteral: atención continua – del cuidado hospitalario al cuidado en casa) del 9 de julio de 2020. Visite los seminarios digitales de nutrición clínica de ASPEN en http://www.nutritioncare.org/webinars/   

* EPA=ácido eicosapentaenoico; DHA=ácido docosahexaenoico 


  1. Martindale R, Berlana D, Boullata J, et al. Lipids in Parenteral Nutrition: Translating Guidelines into Clinical Practice. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2020;44(suppl S1):S1–S84.
  2. Pradelli L, Mayer K, Klek S et al. ω-3 Fatty-Acid Enriched Parenteral Nutrition in Hospitalized Patients: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2020;44(1):44-57.
  3. McClave SA, Taylor BE, Martindale RG et al. Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill Patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.). JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016;40(2):159–211.
  4. Singer P, Blaser AR, Berger MM et al. ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition in the intensive care unit. Clin Nutr. 2019;38(1):48–79.
  5. Lapillonne A, Fidler Mis N, Goulet O et al. ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines on pediatric parenteral nutrition: Lipids. Clin Nutr. 2018;37(6 Pt B):2324–36.

Acerca de Fresenius Kabi

Fresenius Kabi es una compañía global al cuidado de la salud que se especializa en medicamentos y tecnologías para infusión, transfusión y nutrición clínica que salvan vidas. Nuestros productos y servicios se utilizan para el cuidado de pacientes en estado crítico y crónico. La cartera de productos de Fresenius Kabi incluye una amplia gama de fármacos genéricos de administración intravenosa, tratamientos de infusión y productos de nutrición clínica, además de dispositivos médicos para la administración de estos productos. En el campo de los medicamentos biosimilares, Fresenius Kabi desarrolla productos centrándose en la oncología y las enfermedades autoinmunes. En 2019, se lanzó el primer producto biosimilar de Fresenius Kabi. Dentro de las tecnologías para transfusión y terapia celular, Fresenius Kabi ofrece productos para la obtención y el procesamiento de hemoderivados y componentes celulares.  

A través de nuestra filosofía empresarial «caring for life» (cuidar la vida), nos comprometemos a poner medicinas y tecnologías esenciales en las manos de personas que ayudan a los pacientes, así como a encontrar las mejores soluciones para los desafíos que deben enfrentar día a día.

Para obtener más información, visite www.fresenius-kabi.com   

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Niña Espiritu  
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Próximamente: acceso instantáneo a las calificaciones de lectura y comprensión auditiva del TOEFL iBT®

PRINCETON, Nueva Jersey, 13 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Desde el 15 de febrero, los estudiantes de todo el mundo podrán ver las calificaciones de las secciones Reading (Lectura) y Listening (Comprensión auditiva) del TOEFL iBT® en la pantalla inmediatamente después de concluir el examen. Los estudiantes pueden usar estas calificaciones no oficiales como indicadores iniciales de desempeño, que pueden ayudarles a tomar decisiones fundamentadas –tales como informar sus calificaciones al…

PRINCETON, Nueva Jersey, 13 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Desde el 15 de febrero, los estudiantes de todo el mundo podrán ver las calificaciones de las secciones Reading (Lectura) y Listening (Comprensión auditiva) del TOEFL iBT® en la pantalla inmediatamente después de concluir el examen. Los estudiantes pueden usar estas calificaciones no oficiales como indicadores iniciales de desempeño, que pueden ayudarles a tomar decisiones fundamentadas –tales como informar sus calificaciones al final de la prueba– basadas en dicho desempeño.

Estas calificaciones son visibles para los estudiantes antes de abandonar el centro de examen y pueden volver a verse en sus informes de calificaciones oficiales completos aproximadamente seis días después de la fecha del examen mediante la aplicación oficial TOEFL® o en sus cuentas en línea.

«El examen TOEFL iBT es la única evaluación de la lengua inglesa que ofrece a los estudiantes la posibilidad de ver las calificaciones inmediatamente después de la prueba», dice Srikant Gopal, director ejecutivo del Programa TOEFL. «Nuestro compromiso con los estudiantes y las instituciones impulsa los cambios y mejoras que hemos implementado en los últimos meses, que aseguran que la experiencia del examen sea lo más flexible y conveniente posible para los estudiantes, sin abandonar los rigurosos estándares de evaluación justos e imparciales en que las instituciones confían como medición válida del dominio del inglés académico».

Además, las recientes actualizaciones de políticas de ETS han hecho que la inscripción en línea resulte más conveniente que nunca. Actualmente, los estudiantes pueden inscribirse en línea para presentarse al examen con tan solo dos días de anticipación (anteriormente, cuatro días).

«Entendemos que los estudiantes de todo el mundo enfrentan plazos y circunstancias imprevistas que pueden exigirles tomar decisiones más adelante en el proceso», dice Gopal. «Confiamos en que esta política actualizada les ofrecerá amplias oportunidades para inscribirse en el momento más favorable para sus necesidades».

Para conocer más acerca de la nueva función de calificación instantánea y la política de inscripción actualizada, así como otras mejoras implementadas en los últimos meses, visite www.ets.org/toefl/better_test_experience. Para más información acerca del examen TOEFL, visite www.ets.org/toefl.

Acerca del examen TOEFL®
El examen TOEFL de inglés académico es un producto ofrecido por la organización sin fines de lucro ETS. El examen es aceptado por más de 11.000 instituciones en más de 150 países en todo el mundo y es universalmente admitido en destinos populares de habla inglesa como los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia y Nueva Zelanda, y por más del 98% de las universidades del Reino Unido, incluso el 100% de las instituciones del Russell Group®. El examen es preferido sobre otras pruebas de inglés en los Estados Unidos y destinos europeos clave como Francia y Alemania. En Canadá, el examen TOEFL es preferido por los responsables de admisión de graduados. Como la calificación central del examen se realiza mediante una combinación de evaluadores humanos anónimos y tecnología de IA, el TOEFL ofrece una alternativa 100% justa e imparcial. Hay más información acerca del examen TOEFL, incluso sobre inscripción, consejos de estudio y preguntas de muestra, en el sitio web TOEFL Go Anywhere, en www.toeflgoanywhere.org.


NICCOXX Estrena su Nuevo Sencillo y Video «So Sexy»

NEW YORK, 12 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — NICCOXX irrumpe de nuevo en la escena musical al anunciar el estreno oficial de su nuevo sencillo y video «So Sexy», junto a Moritz Villa Ft. Loren (Vocal Mix). El joven DJ y Productor colombiano estrenó su nuevo video oficial del sencillo «So Sexy» en la plataforma de YouTube y ya se encuentra disponible para todo el público amante de la música electrónica. El estreno de este nuevo video representa un hito en la carrera de NICCOXX,…

NEW YORK, 12 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — NICCOXX irrumpe de nuevo en la escena musical al anunciar el estreno oficial de su nuevo sencillo y video «So Sexy», junto a Moritz Villa Ft. Loren (Vocal Mix). El joven DJ y Productor colombiano estrenó su nuevo video oficial del sencillo «So Sexy» en la plataforma de YouTube y ya se encuentra disponible para todo el público amante de la música electrónica. El estreno de este nuevo video representa un hito en la carrera de NICCOXX, quien ya se va posicionando entre los DJ más jóvenes y reconocidos de la electrónica a nivel mundial. 

«So Sexy» lleva impreso el sello y la esencia de los sensuales e irreverentes ritmos de NICCOXX, mejor delineados con la presencia en este sencillo de la cantante y compositora Loren con el Vocal Mix del tema, quien con su interpretación ayudó a delinear de una manera mucho más sugestiva la sensualidad característica de «So Sexy».

El video oficial de «So Sexy» fue filmado en la ciudad de New York, y cuenta con la participación e interacción en rodaje de NICCOXX, la cantante Loren y la sensual modelo Nicole Perea, todo en una atmósfera de mucha sugestividad que resalta la esencia del tema, combinando la estética moderna y de vanguardia, pero a su vez evocando las sensaciones e imágenes de la estética tradicional de la electrónica.«So Sexy» se perfila como un tema que escalará rápidamente en popularidad en la creciente escena y tendencia de la música electrónica.

El lanzamiento oficial del sencillo «So Sexy» se llevó a cabo en el 2019 en la ciudad de New York en una gran celebración con la presentación NICCOXX, quien en esa oportunidad compartió tarima con el famoso y reconocido rapero y compositor americano Post Malone, y posteriormente NICCOXX volvió a interpretar su tema «So Sexy» en vivo en la celebración del 2º Rodeo Festival Circuito Delicias de Minas 2019 en Newark New Jersey, donde compartió cartel en esta ocasión con el afamado DJ, Productor y Cantante Alex Sensation y las figuras del género urbano Darrell y El Alfa «El Jefe». «So Sexy» es una producción en conjunto de NICCOXX con Moritz Villa  Ft. Loren (Vocal Mix).

So Sexy – Niccoxx, Moritz Villa ft. Loren (Vocal Mix) – OFFICIAL VIDEO

Nicolás Steeven García Hernández conocido en el mundo artístico como NICCOXX, nace en Colombia  y es considerado una de las jóvenes promesas en la música electrónica a nivel mundial. El arduo trabajo y dedicación del joven DJ Colombiano NICCOXX, quien ya se encuentra basado en los Estados Unidos, ha rendido sus frutos ya que inicia el 2020 con el estreno de su nuevo video oficial «So Sexy» después de una imparable temporada de exitosas presentaciones en los más destacados festivales y eventos como parte de su gira USA – Europa.

En el 2018 compartió escena en el KRYDER YACHT CRUISE NYC de Crust Nation con el afamado DJ internacional DJ Kryder en New York, y en diversos festivales a lo largo de los EE. UU. con diferentes y reconocidos artistas latinoamericanos. 

En el 2019 se presenta en el Marquee New York, compartiendo la tarima con el reconocido rapero Post Malone y donde estrena su nuevo sencillo «So Sexy»; posteriormente es nominado a la 5ta Edición de los Premios Latinos Fama 2019 de New York en la categoría de «DJ – Productor Revelación del año», donde se alzó con tan notable reconocimiento. Inmediatamente viene su debut en el Fashion Designers of Latin America de la afamada New York Fashion Week edición 2019 celebrando su nominación y llevando lo mejor de su producción a este distinguido escenario para luego cumplir con su exclusiva presentación en «The Jungle Party», del festival internacional Miami Music Week en Key Biscayne de la bahía de Miami. Ya a mediados del 2019 es invitado al festival internacional 2º Rodeo Festival Circuito Delicias de Minas 2019 en Newark New Jersey donde comparte cartel con las destacadas figuras de la música urbana Alex Sensation, Darrell y El Alfa «El Jefe». El nombre artístico de NICCOXX fue inspirado por su nombre NIC que significa Nicolás, CO que hace honor a Colombia, y las XX un complemento de su exuberante personalidad artística.

Sobre Loren:

La cantante y compositora Loren es una artista de gran creatividad y versatilidad musical. Después de dedicar varios años al estudio de la música clásica en Medellín, Colombia, empieza un nuevo camino hacia el pop latino internacional. Proveniente Colombia, y ahora basada en los Estados Unidos, la cantautora Loren se ha dedicado por entero a la composición y producción musical de cara a su internacionalización, trabajo que ha dado frutos como el lanzamiento de su primer single «La magia que hay en ti» como parte de su primera producción musical «Una Parte de Mi«. Alternando entre sus múltiples presentaciones en New York y otras grandes ciudades de los EE. UU., Loren sigue componiendo y los éxitos no paran de llegar, con nuevos temas como «Te dejo ir», «Se vale Sentir» y «Qué más da». En el 2019 estrena el video oficial de su single «Te dejo ir».

Sigue a NICCOXX en:
Youtube: Dj Niccoxx 
Faceook: Niccoxx (@DJNiccoxx)
Instagram: @djniccoxx

Youtube: Loren Music 
Facebook: Loren Music (@lorenmusic.co) 
Instagram: @lorenrmusic 


Press – Booking
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Foto – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1089456/NICCOXX.jpg  
Video – https://youtu.be/ZakEA4f6Vw8

FUENTE Publinet Solutions

Alejandro Fernández Announces United States, Canada and Europe Dates of His ‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ WORLD TOUR

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Multi-Latin GRAMMY award winner, Alejandro Fernández has announced the United States, Canada and Europe concert dates for his ‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ WORLD TOUR. Produced by Live Nation, the United States and Canada tour kicks off May 22 in <span…

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Multi-Latin GRAMMY award winner, Alejandro Fernández has announced the United States, Canada and Europe concert dates for his ‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ WORLD TOUR. Produced by Live Nation, the United States and Canada tour kicks off May 22 in Fresno, California at the Save Mart Center and will wrap up on September 20 in San Antonio, Texas at the AT&T Center and includes Fernández’s first show in Toronto, Canada, at Meridian Hall. The European tour is produced by Planet Events @ Live Nation and includes his first ever shows in London and Paris. Full tour details below.

Alejandro Fernández recently announced the release of his long-awaited new album, ‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ (MADE IN MEXICO), available HERE for pre-order and on all digital platforms starting February 14. ‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ marks his return to the mariachi ranchera format popularized by his father, and living-legend, Vicente Fernández. The album tells stories of love and heartbreak, with «El Potrillo» (as he is lovingly called) demonstrating his once-in-a-generation vocal talent while paying tribute to a genre whose spirit is deeply ingrained in the hearts and souls of Latinos everywhere.

Tickets go on sale to the general public beginning Friday, February 14 at 9AM local time at Ticketmaster.com. Every online ticket purchased for the United States and Canada ‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ tour includes one physical CD copy of the new album. Tickets for the European dates will be available at www.ticketmaster.es, www.ticketmaster.fr, and www.ticketmaster.co.uk.

‘HECHO EN MÉXICO’ includes hit single «Caballero,» which quickly became a fan-favorite in Latin America and the United States, leading digital and radio charts in Mexico and the United States. It also includes Fernández’s most recent single, «Te Olvidé« (I Forgot You), among other great songs, and features collaborations with composers such as Christian Nodal, Luis Carlos Monroy, Jorge Massias and Chico Elizalde, and it was recorded between Barcelona, Los Angeles and New York, and produced by renowned producer Áureo Baqueiro.


Friday, May 22, 2020

Fresno, CA

Save Mart Center

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Oakland, CA

Oakland Arena

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Los Angeles, CA

«Fabulous» Forum

Saturday, May 30, 2020

San Diego, CA

Viejas Arena

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Federal Theatre

Friday, June 5, 2020

Hidalgo, TX

Payne Arena

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Houston, TX

Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Laredo, TX

Sames Auto Arena

Friday, June 12, 2020

Dallas, TX

The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Chicago, IL

Allstate Arena

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Toronto, ON

Meridian Hall

Friday, June 19, 2020

Fairfax, VA

EagleBank Arena

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Brooklyn, NY

Barclays Center

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Raleigh, NC

PNC Arena

Friday, June 26, 2020

Miami, FL

AmericanAirlines Arena

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Atlanta, GA

Infinite Energy Center

Friday, September 11, 2020

Temecula, CA

Pechanga Resort & Casino

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Las Vegas, NV

Mandalay Bay Events Center

Saturday, September 19, 2020

El Paso, TX

Don Haskins Center

Sunday, September 20, 2020

San Antonio, TX

AT&T Center

Friday, November 27, 2020

Málaga, Spain

Martín Carpena

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Tenerife, Spain

Recinto Ferial

Monday, November 30, 2020

London, England

Eventim Apollo

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Paris, France


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Bilbao, Spain


Sunday, December 6, 2020

La Coruña, Spain


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Madrid, Spain

Wizink Center 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Barcelona, Spain

Palau St Jordi

Alejandro Fernández («El Potrillo«) has sold more than 35 million records worldwide and won countless awards and nominations. He has achieved numerous #1 hits on the Mexico, U.S., Spain, and Latin America charts, including his latest single, «Caballero.» Throughout his career, Alejandro has collaborated with many musical powerhouses including Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, Gloria Estefan, Marc Anthony, Rod Stewart, Plácido Domingo, Morat, Sebastián Yatra, and more. Throughout his prolific musical career, he has been proud and stayed true to his roots, taking Mexican music to the world stage, and continuing his father’s legacy.

About Live Nation Entertainment:
Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the world’s leading live entertainment company comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts, and Live Nation Sponsorship. For additional information, visit www.livenationentertainment.com.


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SOURCE Live Nation Entertainment

Six Renowned Conductors to Lead the 2020 NAfME All-National Honor Ensembles

RESTON, Va., Feb. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — This year, six award-winning conductors will lead the National Association for Music Education’s (NAfME) premier All-National Honor Ensembles (ANHE) in Orlando, Florida. NAfME is pleased to announce the return of both the Modern Band and Guitar Ensembles to the ANHE program.

The nation’s top high school musicians will audition for the opportunity to rehearse and perform in a one-of-a-kind national music honors…

RESTON, Va., Feb. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — This year, six award-winning conductors will lead the National Association for Music Education’s (NAfME) premier All-National Honor Ensembles (ANHE) in Orlando, Florida. NAfME is pleased to announce the return of both the Modern Band and Guitar Ensembles to the ANHE program.

The nation’s top high school musicians will audition for the opportunity to rehearse and perform in a one-of-a-kind national music honors program. The students must first compete at their local, district, and state level to become eligible for this distinguished honor. On November 5–8, these exceptional musicians will gather at Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando to showcase their expert musicianship and perform a gala concert celebrating music education and the arts.

The All-National Honor Ensembles consist of a concert band, symphony orchestra, mixed choir, jazz ensemble, guitar ensemble, and modern band ensemble, now in its second year. The concert band and symphony orchestra will each have approximately 120 instrumentalists, the jazz ensemble 20 instrumentalists, the mixed choir approximately 240 vocalists, the guitar ensemble 60 guitarists, and the modern band ensemble 20 musicians. Eligible students have qualified for their state-level honor ensemble program and competed against top students for a spot in these national honor ensembles. As many states do not have an All-State Guitar Ensemble, students who participate in their school’s guitar ensemble program are permitted to apply for the All-National Guitar Ensemble. Similarly, as many schools do not have modern band ensembles, students are permitted to apply for All-National Modern Band if they are sponsored by a NAfME member. The audition deadline is May 1, 2020, at 11:59 PM Eastern time.

Ensemble members will perform under the direction of six of the most prominent conductors in the United States.

Rodney Dorsey, Professor of Music at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, will lead the 2020 All-National Concert Band. Dorsey is the conductor of the internationally recognized Indiana Wind Ensemble and guides all aspects of the graduate wind conducting program. Past positions have included Director of Bands at the University of Oregon, Associate Director of Bands at the University of Michigan, Associate Professor of Music at DePaul University, and Director of Athletic Bands at Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music. Dorsey also taught public school for eight years in Florida and Georgia. He is an active guest conductor having led intercollegiate, all-state, and regional honors bands around the country. International engagements include Hungary, Canada and Bulgaria. An active advocate for the composition of new wind repertoire, Dorsey has been involved in a number of commissioning projects that include the following composers; Andrea Reinkemeyer, Steven Mackey, D. J. Sparr, Anthony Barfield, Stacy Garrop, Andrew Rindfleisch, and John Mackey. Read more about Rodney Dorsey.

Nobuyoshi Yasuda, Orchestra Director at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and Music Director of the Chippewa Valley Symphony, will lead the 2020 All-National Symphony Orchestra. He guest conducted orchestras such as the Muncie Symphony Orchestra, the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, La Crosse Symphony, and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. With the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, he has participated in the educational outreach project, «Arts across Minnesota» granted by the Minnesota State Arts Board, to have residency in a high school; he led a ‘side by side rehearsal’ and gave a concert. Yasuda’s contagious enthusiasm and dedication to education has made him an icon of music in Eau Claire and surrounding communities. His expertise and joyful approach to music that allows him to work successfully with the musicians of the Chippewa Valley Symphony, Grand Teton Music Festival, and St. Paul Chamber Orchestra has allowed him to reach out to aspiring young musicians as well. Read more about Nobuyoshi Yasuda.

Frances Fonza is the Director of Worship and Arts at Mt. Ennon Baptist Church in Clinton, Maryland, and teaches at Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, DC. She will lead the 2020 All-National Mixed Choir. Fonza taught choral music at the middle school and high school levels in Kentucky for several years. Additionally, she served as Assistant Professor of Music Education and Director of Choral Activities at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio. Her responsibilities included teaching music education courses, aural skills, choral conducting, supervising music education interns, and directing the Wittenberg choirs. Choirs under her direction have participated in state, regional, and national music festivals. Fonza is an active singer, clinician, and adjudicator. A frequent guest conductor, she has conducted several honor, public school, and church choirs. Read more about Frances Fonza.

Todd Stoll will lead the 2020 All-National Jazz Ensemble. Stoll has taught young musicians at every level, from elementary school through college. His impact on public music education can be seen in his legacy at central Ohio’s Westerville City Schools, where he served for 18 years as music teacher and for 10 years as music curriculum coordinator. He has also served as Ohio’s president of the International Association of Jazz Educators and the inaugural chair of jazz events for the Ohio Music Education Association. In 2011, Stoll became the Vice President of Education at Jazz at Lincoln Center (JALC) in New York City, which continues to afford him the opportunity to bring jazz education programs to thousands of people of all ages and socioeconomic levels. Since he joined the organization, JALC has produced more than 10,000 education events in the United States and around the world. Stoll holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and a Bachelor of Music degree from Miami University. He currently serves on the boards of the Jazz Education Network where he is President; the New York City chapter of Most Valuable Kids; and the NAfME Music Education Policy Roundtable. Read more about Todd Stoll.

Chuck Hulihan, Assistant Department Chair for Performing Arts at Glendale Community College (GCC), will lead the 2020 All-National Guitar Ensemble. Hulihan has enjoyed a career over the past three decades as a guitarist, educator, conductor, narrator, arts administrator, and as a classical music radio host. His work as a conductor has included more than 120 concerts directing the GCC Guitar Ensembles and includes leading large orchestras comprising students from high school, college, and guitar society ensembles. He is the Director of the Guitar Foundation of America’s Youth Guitar Orchestra, Community Guitar Orchestra, and Guitar Summit. He contributes to the field of music education as a conference clinician and presenter and serves as Western Division Representative for the National Association for Music Education’s Innovations Council, as ex-officio Guitar Chair for the Arizona Music Educators Association, and as an active board member of the Grand Canyon and Phoenix Guitar Societies. Read more about Chuck Hulihan.

Tony Sauza is the Los Angeles County Regional Program Director, where he supports teachers in developing their Modern Band programs across the Southern California area. Sauza will lead the 2020 All-National Honor Modern Band. Before joining the staff of Little Kids Rock, he taught secondary music in Los Angeles for eight years. Sauza received his bachelor’s degree from UCLA in Ethnomusicology while minoring in Chicana/o Studies. He then earned his California Single Subject Teaching Credential in Music in 2010 and his masters degree in Afro-Latin Music from California State University Los Angeles in 2012. Sauza is a multi-instrumentalist and has been playing guitar for more than twenty years. He currently performs locally and nationally with his cumbia project, Viento Callejero, along with guest appearances and collaborations with international artists. Read more about Tony Sauza.

Read more about the NAfME 2020 All-National Honor Ensembles, guest conductor biographies, and how students may audition by visiting: nafme.org/ANHE and follow #ANHE2020.

National Association for Music Education, among the world’s largest arts education organizations, is the only association that addresses all aspects of music education. NAfME advocates at the local, state, and national levels; provides resources for teachers, parents, and administrators; hosts professional development events; and offers a variety of opportunities for students and teachers. The Association has supported music educators at all teaching levels for more than a century. With more than 60,000 members teaching millions of students nationwide, the organization is the national voice for music education in the United States.

Jazz at Lincoln Center The mission of Jazz at Lincoln Center is to entertain, enrich and expand a global community for Jazz through performance, education and advocacy. We believe Jazz is a metaphor for Democracy. Because jazz is improvisational, it celebrates personal freedom and encourages individual expression. Because jazz is swinging, it dedicates that freedom to finding and maintaining common ground with others. Because jazz is rooted in the blues, it inspires us to face adversity with persistent optimism.

Little Kids Rock transforms lives by restoring, expanding, and innovating music education in our schools. Our network of thousands of K–12 teachers across 45 states leads a national movement that brings innovative and inclusive music education to students. Using genres including rock, pop, Latin, and rap, the Little Kids Rock program empowers teachers to build music programs as diverse as the kids they serve. Students see themselves reflected in their classes, which strengthens their connection to their school, their peers, and their community. Little Kids Rock also donates necessary instruments and curriculum, meeting a key need of many school music programs. The world of music expands through innovation. Little Kids Rock ensures that music education does as well. More than 500,000 kids currently participate in Little Kids Rock programs nationwide. Since 2002, the organization has reached more than 1,000,000 students with highly inclusive and culturally relevant music education.

Follow NAfME on Twitter (twitter.com/nafme) and on Facebook (facebook.com/nafme).


SOURCE National Association for Music Education

Multi-Platinum Recording Artist Lizzo Performs Beachside for Chicago’s 101.9 THE MIX

PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico, Feb. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — «More lit than Grammys and SNL combined!», says three time Grammy award winning, Lizzo, after her playing an intimate, beachside show for 101.9 THE MIX Chicago listeners. The event was held poolside at the 5-Star Now Amber Puerto Vallarta luxury hotel, hosted by legendary radio personality Eric Ferguson’s («Eric in the Morning Show»). This long running live performance known as «Chips, Dip, and a Mexico Trip»,…

PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico, Feb. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — «More lit than Grammys and SNL combined!», says three time Grammy award winning, Lizzo, after her playing an intimate, beachside show for 101.9 THE MIX Chicago listeners. The event was held poolside at the 5-Star Now Amber Puerto Vallarta luxury hotel, hosted by legendary radio personality Eric Ferguson’s («Eric in the Morning Show»). This long running live performance known as «Chips, Dip, and a Mexico Trip», is just one of many MIX events which boasts a live performance roster of a-list talent including Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, AJR, Fall Out Boy, and Bebe Rexha to name a few.

Lizzo’s always high-energy set featured her chart-topping hits; «Juice», «Truth Hurts», «Good as Hell», and her new hit «Cuz I Love You». With Lizzo’s recent Grammy, Super Bowl, and Saturday Night Live (SNL) appearances under her belt and an upcoming Brit Awards appearance next week, hundreds of her MIX Chicago fans were thrilled Lizzo took the time out for them to see her poolside this morning at Now Amber Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The crowd went wild when Lizzo brought a young fan on stage and gave her a huge hug at the conclusion of her set.

The 101.9 MIX VIP listener poolside party continues tomorrow, Tuesday February 11, 2020, with SHAED, another, major breakthrough artist of 2019, fueled by their massive hit «Trampoline». 

For more videos and photos: Lizzo Performance Photos and Video
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @ericmorningmix @1019mixchicago

For more information please contact MIX Director of Marketing Dave Karwowski @ 312.213.1019 or dkarwowski@hubbardradio.com

About WTMX and Hubbard Radio, LLC.
101.9 THE MIX is owned by Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. and is simulcast online at WTMX.COM and through THE MIX mobile app available through the Apple App Store and Google Play.  For additional information about THE MIX, please visit www.wtmx.com.  

About Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc.
Started in 1923, Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. is an American television and radio-broadcasting corporation based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota that was started by Stanley E. Hubbard. Hubbard Broadcasting operates radio stations and television stations in nine states.  In addition to radio and television broadcast stations, other Hubbard Broadcasting companies include the satellite and cable networks ReelzChannel (launched in 2006) and Ovation TV, F&F Productions and the Hubbard Radio Network, which is used to distribute talk radio content to subscribing radio stations in Minnesota and North Dakota. For additional information on Hubbard Radio, visit www.hubbardradio.com.  

Press Contact:
Dave Karwowski, Director of Marketing (WTMX-FM)


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SOURCE Hubbard Radio


MIAMI and LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Sunday in Miami, COLORES audio-enhanced eyewear made its worldwide debut, as worn by proud Champion of Latino Gang J Balvin. J Balvin wore the new COLORES Sport model during halftime of «The Big Game» as he performed «Mi Gente» and «Que Calor».


MIAMI and LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Sunday in Miami, COLORES audio-enhanced eyewear made its worldwide debut, as worn by proud Champion of Latino Gang J Balvin. J Balvin wore the new COLORES Sport model during halftime of «The Big Game» as he performed «Mi Gente» and «Que Calor».

Photo credit: Orli Arias (@orliarias)

COLORES de J Balvin is a collaboration between J Balvin and will.i.am that meets at the intersection of technology and fashion, by bringing consumers a new way to express themselves through audio-enhanced eyewear. Combining the cultural force of J Balvin and the futurism of will.i.am, COLORES is a ground-breaking, high-fashion product that converges sight and sound.

J Balvin: «Will is an innovative artist that I’ve admired for many years, so it was a real pleasure to first collaborate with him and BEP on ‘Ritmo (Bad Boys for Life).’ It’s been wonderful to now have the track become another #1 single and lead to a more creative partnership where we can fuse our shared interests in technology and fashion.»

Please visit www.coloresdejbalvin.com for more information about COLORES.

Principal Contact for COLORES:
Lee Chan

J Balvin Contact:
John Reilly





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Beyoncé y la alta joyería a medida de Messika París en el Big Game

PARIS, 6 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Hace seis años la fotografía de la icónica cantante Beyoncé frente a la Mona Lisa «rompió Internet». En su dedo lucía un doble anillo de diamantes Glam’Azone de la entonces joven y vanguardista marca francesa de alta joyería Messika.

PARIS, 6 de febrero de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Hace seis años la fotografía de la icónica cantante Beyoncé frente a la Mona Lisa «rompió Internet». En su dedo lucía un doble anillo de diamantes Glam’Azone de la entonces joven y vanguardista marca francesa de alta joyería Messika.

Para celebrar ese icónico momento y todas las veces que la cantante ha sido vista usando la marca, Beyoncé brilló esta noche en Messika Paris durante la 54º edición anual del Big Game en Miami, Florida. Estaba brillante con un collar de alta joyería hecho a medida, especialmente creado por Valérie Messika.

Su diseño representa una vibración musical, un guiño a los ecualizadores que oscilan en los monitores de los estudios de grabación.

El collar, una gargantilla que se ajusta perfectamente al ángulo del cuello, da lugar a un hábil juego de palillos, en cuyo centro domina un diamante pera de 17 quilates. La diseñadora invirtió la piedra central para acentuar resueltamente el lado roquero y rebelde. Otra hazaña técnica de Valérie Messika que afirma la versatilidad a la hora de llevar alta joyería, tanto de día como de noche

¡No hay nadie más «Cool» que Queen B para llevar un conjunto de alta joyería como este en el Big Game!

Beyoncé ya marcó la pauta el sábado 25 de enero en la Gala Pre-GRAMMY y GRAMMY Salute en honor a Sean «Diddy» Combs, llevando los pendientes del conjunto Diamond Equalizer. Pendientes asimétricos con un Earcuff XXL en un lado. Un diamante pera de 4 quilates oscila en su extremo, como un péndulo. Y en el otro, una versión más corta, crea una vibración singular, casi más nerviosa, siempre adornada con un diamante pera de 1,5 quilates.

Inspirada por las vibraciones sonoras y la increíble presencia escénica y personalidad de la cantante, Valérie Messika imaginó un patrón que evocase el ritmo, mientras que el diamante central representa el sonido.

El contraste se refuerza con una variación entre los diamantes de talla baguette y los redondos que recuerdan a un juego Mikado ultragráfico.

«Soñaba con diseñar para Beyoncé una pieza que encarnara su estilo, manteniendo el ADN de nuestra casa. B es una reina, y la idea era imaginar un adorno de toque anárquico con todos esos palitos entrelazándose en una secuencia de diamantes de talla baguette y redondos para crear ritmo. Pero este caos termina encontrando un cierto orden y destaca majestuosamente al diamante pera», detalla Valérie Messika.

Hannah Vartoukian, +33-1-48-01-96-76

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085239/Diamond_Equalizer_Messika_Paris_for_Beyonce.mp4  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085231/Beyonce_Messika_1.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085232/Beyonce_Messika_2.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085233/Beyonce_Messika_3.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085234/Beyonce_Messika_4.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085235/Beyonce_Messika_5.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085236/Beyonce_Messika_6.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085237/Beyonce_Messika_7.jpg  
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085238/Beyonce_Messika_8.jpg  
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1085221/Messika_Logo.jpg  


Beyoncé wearing Diamond Equalizer choker
Beyoncé wearing Diamond Equalizer choker
Beyoncé in Messika - Super Bowl 2020
Beyoncé in Messika - Super Bowl 2020
Beyoncé wearing Diamond Equalizer earrings
Diamond Equalizer - Messika Paris for Beyoncé
Diamond Equalizer - Messika Paris for Beyoncé
Messika Paris for Beyoncé - Diamond Equalizer - Illustration by Lena Gavina
Messika logo






FUENTE Messika

Engage Art Contest To Award $100,000 In Cash Prizes

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Engage Art Contest invites artists to submit their original art creations based on and inspired by the Spiritual Battle topic as found in <a target="_blank"…

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Engage Art Contest invites artists to submit their original art creations based on and inspired by the Spiritual Battle topic as found in Ephesians 6:10-20.

The Engage Art Contest is a juried competition for original visual art, music video, film and performing arts. Total cash prizes of $100,000 will be awarded in the 2019-2020 Engage Art Contest in North America, including Haiti, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Canada, Mexico, the United States and the Caribbean Islands. There are also significant exposure opportunities for all entrants who follow the contest guidelines.

Categories include:

  • Visual Art including paintings, photography, drawings, sculpture, ceramics and woodworking
  • Film including documentary, short film, drama and more
  • Music Video including all genres of music
  • Performing Arts including dance, spoken word (poetry, monologue, etc.), instrumental music and plays or musicals

Engage Art encourages artists to thoroughly explore the Scripture references and other resources, to carefully consider what they want to express, and to drink deeply at the well of inspiration. Through the Engage Art app available in the Google Play or Mac App store, entrants will have access to ongoing spiritual nourishment and thought-provoking content to nurture the soul and the imagination.

Contestants can learn more about Engage Art or submit entries until May 31, 2020 at https://engageart.org/contest/#art-contest-summary. Complimentary competition posters are available for churches and organizations to post by filling out our contact form at https://engageart.org/contact/ or by emailing info@engageart.org

Engage Art | PO Box 78951 | Charlotte, NC 28271 | United States of America
Phone: +1 (980) 999-1447 | Email: info@engageart.org

Cision View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/engage-art-contest-to-award-100-000-in-cash-prizes-300998167.html

SOURCE Engage Art Contest

Pitbull Returns To Zappos Theater At Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino In 2020 With New Las Vegas Residency «Pitbull – Get Ready Vegas»

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — GRAMMY®-winning global superstar Pitbull will return to Las Vegas in 2020 for the sixth consecutive year with five high-energy performances of his new residency, «Pitbull – Get Ready Vegas» at Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.


LAS VEGAS, Feb. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — GRAMMY®-winning global superstar Pitbull will return to Las Vegas in 2020 for the sixth consecutive year with five high-energy performances of his new residency, «Pitbull – Get Ready Vegas» at Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.

Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV (PRNewsfoto/Caesars Entertainment)

Tickets go on sale to the public Friday, Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. PST. Pitbull fan club members and American Express® Card Members can purchase tickets prior to the general public beginning Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 10 a.m. PST. In addition, Caesars Rewards members, Caesars Entertainment’s loyalty program, and Live Nation and Ticketmaster customers will have access to a presale running Thursday, Feb. 6 at 10 a.m. PST through 10 p.m. PST. The five performances going on sale are:

April: 22, 24 & 25
Sept. 10 & 11 (over Mexican Independence Day weekend)

General ticket prices begin at $39 plus applicable tax and fees, and may be purchased online at www.ticketmaster.com/pitbull or in-person at the Planet Hollywood box office. The show is being presented jointly by Caesars Entertainment and Live Nation. All shows begin at 9 p.m.

As much as the music of Pitbull defines a generation and soundtracks a global movement, the words and actions of the man born Armando Christian Pérez exemplify a commitment to inspiring both personal and universal revolution. As much as he elevated himself out of the streets and on to the international stage, he also heeded the call to grow from an entertainer to an ambassador of change. As much as listeners proudly recite the words to «Time Of Our Lives» or «Give Me Everything,» they also fervently quote his equally unforgettable aphorisms turn a negative into a positive and dale! — his signature phrase that encapsulates Pitbull’s belief that anything is possible. As a result, he entrenched himself at the forefront of cultural, social, education, and popular conversations, bringing his brand of inspiration, influence and impact worldwide. 

Over the course of 10 full-length albums, Pitbull’s single sales have exceeded 80 million and YouTube views burgeoned past 15 billion by 2019. In addition to hundreds of gold and platinum certifications internationally, he has performed to concert audiences worldwide. Recognized for his talents, he has garnered GRAMMY® and Latin GRAMMY® awards. Moreover, superstars of all stripes and styles have sought him out for collaborations, including Jennifer Lopez, Chris Brown, Shakira, Marc Anthony, Ricky Martin, and Kesha, to name a few. A consistent headliner, he has not only performed for millions of fans worldwide, but he also took the stage at Planet Hollywood in 2015 for his Time Of Our Lives Las Vegas Residency, which ultimately resulted in multiple return engagements every year until its climactic close in 2019. In addition to the United States, his sold-out world concert tours have taken him to North and South America, Europe and the Far East. He has also completed headlining tours in China and Japan. Along the way in his journey, he has co-headlined with Enrique Iglesias, toured with Britney Spears in the U.K. and Europe, and spoken to thousands as part of Tony Robbins’ motivational seminars.

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Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the world’s leading live entertainment company comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts, and Live Nation Sponsorship. Live Nation Las Vegas produces residency shows from Keith Urban, Mariah Carey and Sting at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace; Jonas Brothers, Lady Gaga, Aerosmith and Bruno Mars at Park Theater at Park MGM; Billy Idol at Pearl Concert Theater at the Palms; The Doobie Brothers, Chicago and ZZ TOP at The Venetian Theatre at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas; and Pitbull, Scorpions, Shania Twain, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera and Gwen Stefani at Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Live Nation Las Vegas also brings other world-famous artists to many of the city’s other premier concert venues including T-Mobile Arena, Mandalay Bay Events Center, MGM Grand Garden Arena, House of Blues, Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, and more. For additional information, visit www.livenationentertainment.com. Find Live Nation Las Vegas on Facebook, Instagram and follow us on Twitter.

Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino is the centerpiece of the famed Las Vegas Strip, with 2,500 beautifully redesigned guest rooms and suites showcasing some of the best views in town, along with endless options of unparalleled shopping, distinguished dining, popular entertainment and a bustling nightlife. A bright, bold addition to the resort’s portfolio, the new Ultra Hip Rooms feature contemporary elegance and luxury bedding. Known as the place to play for its roster of A-list celebrity guests, Planet Hollywood’s 231 newly restyled suites feature stunning views of the glittering skyline and daring décor elements such as suspended sofas, lounge-style living spaces and oversized modern artwork. The resort encompasses more than 100,000 square-feet of gaming, several lounges, impressive restaurants including Gordon Ramsay Burger, KOI, Strip House, and the award-winning Spice Market Buffet, an intimate wedding chapel and the Planet Hollywood Spa by Mandara. The resort also features The Scene Pool Deck with the Strip’s first and only stand-alone wave machine, the FlowRider. Home to the first pop music residency in Las Vegas, Zappos Theater showcases resident headliners Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson and Shania Twain. Magician Criss Angel performs an over-the-top visual spectacular of «Criss Angel MINDFREAK®» in the newly-renovated Criss Angel Theater. The property is encircled by Miracle Mile Shops with more than 170 specialty stores and restaurants. Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino is operated by a subsidiary of Caesars Entertainment Corporation (NASDAQ: CZR). For more information, please visit planethollywoodresort.com or the Caesars Entertainment Las Vegas media room.  Find Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Facebook and follow on Twitter and Instagram.

Caesars Entertainment Corporation logo. (PRNewsFoto/Caesars Entertainment Corporation)

Live Nation Logo (PRNewsfoto/Caesars Entertainment)

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SOURCE Caesars Entertainment